The Finnish Darkroom Association is a non-profit association founded in 2016 with the purpose of ensuring the preservation of analog photography.

The mission of the association is to share and develop the know-how related to darkroom printing in Finland, to facilitate the networking of individuals and organizations in the photography field and to create international cooperation. Anyone interested in analog photography can join as a member.

Mörk is a fully equipped, professional black and white darkroom built and maintained by the association located in The Finnish Artists' Studio Foundation's Vallila Studio Centre in Helsinki. The association actively organizes courses of all levels in black and white printing and special techniques, such as collodion wet plate process and daguerreotype.

The association produces various events and exhibitions, such as the Helsinki Darkroom Festival, which was organized for the first time in the spring of 2022 at the The Finnish Museum of Photography. In 2022–2024 the association is one of main organizers of the residency program Nordic Analog Network.
  • 25.07.2024

    Fall courses 2024

  • 16.03.2024

    Spring courses 2024

  • 04.10.2023


  • 11.05.2023


  • 20.02.2023


  • 02.12.2022


  • 20.10.2022

    Workshops Fall 2022

  • 11.07.2022

    Open Call for Artist Residency in Oslo

  • 14.04.2022


  • 08.03.2022

    Open Call for exhibition in Tallinn

  • 01.03.2022


  • 18.02.2022

    Symposium for Artistic Research

  • 15.02.2022

    Workshops Spring 2022

  • 05.02.2022


  • 28.01.2022


  • 27.01.2022


  • 13.12.2021

    Open Call for Finnish photographers

  • 23.11.2021

    Call for Abstracts

  • 05.10.2021

    Selected artists 2022

  • 05.10.2021

    Courses Fall 2021

  • 17.05.2021



Mörk is a professional black and white darkroom run by the Finnish Darkroom Association located in Helsinki.

Members of the association can rent the darkroom in two ways: by paying a seasonal fee or a daily fee.

The prices include a waste fee and the basic chemicals: paper and film developer, stop bath and fixer. The chemicals used by the association are supplied by Suomen Interfoto Oy.

The darkroom space can also be rented by individuals outside the association. The daily fee for non-members is 350 euros per day.

Members can reserve the darkroom through the Association´s Google Calendar.

If it has been a long time since you have worked in a darkroom, we recommend attending the association’s basic course.


Anyone interested in analog photography can become a member of the Finnish Darkroom Association by filling out the membership form.

Members are required to commit to the rules of the association and the darkroom, as well as to accept the principles of the association, which include advancing equality and inclusivity.

When joining the association, an annual membership fee is paid. The membership fee is 50€.



+358 41 456 3336
(Katri Lassila)

Mörk is located in Vallila:
Nilsiänkatu 11–13F
Entry from the Nokiantie side,
3rd floor
00510, Helsinki









BOARD 2024-2025

Katri Lassila / Chair
Iina Gröhn / Vice Chair
Natalia Kopkina / Treasurer
Pauliina Tuomikoski / Membership
Denny Syed / Darkroom
Katri Naukkarinen / Secretary
Jussi Hartelin / Equipment
Pietu Pohjalainen / Social media

Fall courses 2024

We are  publishing the fall courses in Mörk! You can learn basic skills as well as more advanced techniques.

Basics of gelatin silver printing 20.–21.9.2024

Advanced course of gelatin silver printing 15.–17.11.2024

Other special courses will be added as soon as possible.

The teacher is the association’s chair, Katri Lassila.

Courses are taught in Finnish and English.


Members of the association get a 20% discount on courses with the code “JASENALENNUS”. Also remember that a course is a perfect gift for someone close to you who is interested in analog photography.


Spring courses 2024

We are finally publishing the spring courses in Mörk! You can learn basic skills as well as more advanced techniques. As the new courses, we have cyanotype printing and large format photography, where the working format will be 4×5″.

Basics of gelatin silver printing 15.–16.3.2024

Advanced course of gelatin silver printing 5.–7.4.2024

Cyanotype printing May

The teachers are the association’s chair, Katri Lassila, and long time members Jussi Hartelin and Mika Selvinen.

Courses are taught in Finnish and English.


Members of the association get a 20% discount on courses with the code “JASENALENNUS”. Also remember that a course is a perfect gift for someone close to you who is interested in analog photography.



We are finally publishing the much-requested autumn course offer in Mörk! You can learn basic skills as well as the wet plate process. As a new course, Katri teaches a workshop focused on finishing a black and white print.

Basics of silver gelatin printing 27.–28.10.2023

Film photography and development of black and white film 03.–04.11.2023

Intro to wet plate photography 17.11.–19.11.2023

Advanced course of silver gelatin printing 24.11.–26.11.2023

Finishing the silver gelatin print 08.12.–09.12.2023


The teachers are the association’s chair, Katri Lassila, and vice-chair, Jenni Haili.

In all courses, the language of instruction is Finnish, but also English if necessary.


Members of the association get a 20% discount on courses with the code “JASENALENNUS”. Also remember that a course is a perfect gift for someone close to you who is interested in analog photography.



We got a few more great courses for the spring! The long-planned Chromoskedasic sabattier course by Helsinki Darkroom Festival artist Iana Mizguina is a unique opportunity to learn a special method of metalizing silver prints. The course is however easy and suitable also for beginners. There will also be a second chance to participate in the very popular bromoil printing course. And everyone who has ever studied at Aalto University knows that Juha Markula’s bookbinding course is unbeatable! On Joutsen’s and Markula’s courses teaching is only in Finnish.

Bookbinding workshop
Teacher: Juha Markula

Chromoskedasic sabattier -menetelmä
Teacher: Iana Mizguina

Teacher: Markku Joutsen



Spring 2023 in Mörk will be full of interesting workshops. Now, if ever, you should update your basic skills and throw yourself into the world of attractive alternative methods! Please also remember that a course is a perfect gift for someone close to you who is interested in analog photography.


The main teaching language is Finnish, however most courses may also be held in English if requested.

Basics of silver gelatin printing
In the silver gelatin printing workshop, you will learn the basics of b&w darkroom work. You can join the course, even if you have never printed a photo in a darkroom or have completely forgotten about it.
Teacher: Katri Lassila

Bromoil printing workshop
The course covers the basics of bromoil printing and teaches you the bromoil printing technique in practice.
Teacher: Markku Joutsen

Film photography and development of black and white film
Is there a film camera gathering dust on your shelf that you don’t know how to use? Don’t worry, this course guides you through everything: from choosing the film, loading it into the camera, to shooting and developing it.
Teacher: Jenni Haili

The basics of bookbinding
In the bookbinding workshop, you will learn the basics of bookbinding. You can participate in the course without previous experience in bookbinding.
Teacher: Juha Markula

Intro to wet plate photography
Wet plate photography was a process from the middle and end of the 19th century, which was made famous by e.g. Julia Margaret Cameron and Gustave Le Gray. In this course, you will learn how to make, expose, process and finish ambrotypes (image on glass) and ferrotypes (image on black aluminum).
Teacher: Jenni Haili



Finnish Darkroom Association publishes an OPEN CALL for Nordic Analog Network artist residency program. Application deadline is 15.1.2023.

Nordic Analog Network is a program supported by Nordic Culture Point, funded in 2021 in collaboration with Cyan Studio from Oslo, Norway. Program was launched in 2022 with two pilot residency periods.

In the NAN program, during two years all together twenty Nordic artists will live and work during three-week residency periods in a darkroom situated in another Nordic country. Program offers funding for the darkrooms and for the artists selected in it.

In the NAN program 8 darkrooms are included from all the five Nordic countries; Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Read more about NAN and apply:


Workshops Fall 2022

In autumn 2022 we will be organising three courses: one on film developing and two gelatin silver printing courses.

Teacher of the film course is photographic artist and documentarist, board member Jaakko Kilpiäinen and the teacher of the printing courses is photographic artist and association’s president Katri Lassila. The teaching is in Finnish and if necessary also in English.

You may enroll on the courses at

Note! If you order two courses (amount over 270€), you get a -15% discount with the code “Kurssit”!


Open Call for Artist Residency in Oslo

Nordic Analog Network

Darkroom Exchange Fall 2022

Helsinki / Oslo

In partnership with Cyan Darkroom in Oslo, we are organizing a residency exchange open for Finnish artists, or artists living in Finland, working with analog photography.

The goal is to share experience, create contacts and opportunities for networking between analog photo artists. There is no application fee. Based on the received applications each darkroom will decide the artist to be invited for the residency.

Travel and accommodation will be paid for and there is a small artist’s fee paid for the artist as well. During their stay the artists are free to work with whatever project they want. The invited photographer is encouraged to give some form of presentation of their work at the darkroom they are visiting and may get help to organize other activities such as workshops, small shows, artist talks, meetups with other artists or galleries and the like.

The working period for the Finnish artist in Oslo is three weeks during Oct-Nov 2022. Accommodation for the invited artist will be at the guest apartment of the Norwegian Association of Art Photographers.

Open Call for Norwegian or Norway-based artists to work at Mörk is open simultaneously. Find more info here: The working period for the Norwegian artist in Helsinki is 1.10.–22.10.2022. Accommodation for the invited artist will be at the Villa Eläintarha run by HIAP, an international artist residency center in a wooden villa in the center of Helsinki, next to Töölönlahti bay.




This collaboration between the two darkrooms is set up as a second pilot to test how a Nordic collaboration between the darkrooms in different countries can work. The first pilot was held in spring 2022. Having this artist exchange will hopefully be the start of an ongoing exchange between community darkrooms in the Nordic countries. This round of the Darkroom Exchange is organized with support from the Norwegian-Finnish Cultural Foundation. The Nordic Analog Network is supported by Nordic Culture Point.



Cyan is a community darkroom with 40 members. They have a workspace near the botanical gardens in Oslo with easy access by bus or tram from the centre. The space includes an open darkroom space with a handful of enlargers. It is set up as a black and white darkroom and they have a selection of enlarges from 35mm to 8”x10” with several 4”x5” machines. Outside the darkroom is a lightroom with workspace for mounting with a hot press, paper cutter and matt cutter. Being a street level shop front space they also have a small area set up as a showroom to exhibit members’ works. Cyan darkroom is connected to the Cyan studio that is photo studio that doubles as a gallery and event space nearby:

Cyan can offer the visiting artist free use of a fully working darkroom and lightroom, including use of basic chemicals and access to a storage of old and expired photo papers. Cyan also has a photostudio that can be used as a space for meetups, artist talks and presentations as well as a small show or exhibition. The darkroom has a community of engaged analog photographers and artists and Cyan has a network that reaches out to the rest of the photography community in Oslo and Norway and we hope our invited artist will take part in an instagram takeover and let us invite to a final show or any other suggested activity.



  • Application deadline: 15.08.2022
  • Invitations to selected artists will be sent out by 30.08.2022.
  • Applications of the Finnish artists to be sent as a single PDF document to
  • Email subject line: DARKROOM EXCHANGE FALL 2022 – APPLICATION
  • Application texts must be in English.
  • PDF must include:


  1. Contact info: Name, email, and telephone.
  2. Work Plan; description of planned work you will do during the residency; possible project idea, theme you are thinking of, techniques you work with, or things you want to try out, max 4000 characters. Work plan can include suggestions for open activities you want to share during your residency. We suggest that during their stay the invited artist do some kind of presentation of their work, or meeting with the members. Or maybe you already know if you want to hold a workshop, do a public presentation or artist talk, set up a small show, meet local photographers or gallerists, or something else?
  3. Short Bio about yourself, max. 500 characters.
  4. CV, max. 2 pages.
  5. 10 images of your work at the end of the PDF. Minimum of 5 images are required having been made with analog processes.



For more information about application and the exchange:

For more information about Cyan: Stig Marlon Weston,





Process Space of the Finnish Museum of Photography, Wednesday 20th of April starting 5pm


5 to 6pm

Award Ceremony for the first Young Photographer Award and announcement of the winner. The finalists of the competition are Seela Joensuu, Joonas Kokkonen and Yu Yue. Katri Lassila, President of the Finnish Darkroom Association, interviews the young finalists about photography and especially doing analog photography. This part of the program is in Finnish.


6 to 7pm

Two artists will present their analog photography practice: Sébastien Reuzé, a French artist invited to partake in the Helsinki Darkroom Festival’s main exhibition ‘Impression Remains’, and Silvia de Giorgi, an invited artist of the Nordic Analog Network residency exchange organised for the first time as part of the festival.


7 to 7:30pm

Katri Lassila, President of the Finnish Darkroom Association, will discuss analog photography with Sébastien Reuzé and Silvia de Giorgi.


Admission to the event is free.




Open Call for exhibition in Tallinn

In May 2022, Museum of Photography (Tallinn, Estonia) will begin their new theme year dedicated to analog photography. To open the new theme year, the museum will organize an Estonian-Finnish joint exhibition in cooperation with the Finnish Darkroom Association and the Helsinki Darkroom Festival, the Finnish Museum of Photography, and the Finnish Institute in Estonia. The exhibition will be held at the Jaani Almhouse Gallery (Jaani Seek Gallery) from the end of May to September 2022. There will be approximately up to 2,5 to 5 m of the display wall for every artist at the exhibition space.

Finnish Darkroom Association is launching an Open Call to select 5–6 Finnish or Finland-based photographic artists to participate in the exhibition. The Open Call is for photographers who use analog photographic processes to create contemporary photographic works. This includes for example silver gelatin prints, C-prints, daguerreotypes, collodion wet plates, etc. There may be some digital stages in the process of making an image, but the finished work must be largely based on analogue methods. When compiling the selection for the exhibition, the jury will emphasize the photographer’s artistic vision.

The aim of the museum’s analog photography theme year is to show that the old technological photographic methods are not extinct but are successfully used in modern photography as a practice of visual self-expression. The works of the following Estonian artists were selected through an Open Call organized in Estonia earlier this year: Kadri Otsiver, Madis Katz, Toomas Kalve, Tarmo Rätsep, Theo Efros, Liis Ring, Maxim Mjödov and Aiki Järviste.



The international jury consists of Katri Lassila (President of the Finnish Darkroom Association), Natalia Kopkina (Executive Director of the Finnish Darkroom Association), Elina Heikka (Director of the Finnish Museum of Photography), Marge Monko (Head of the Photography Department of EAA), Andrij Bojarov (Visual Artist, Curator and Researcher) and Annika Haas (Curator of the Museum of Photography, Estonia).


How to apply

  • To participate please send an overview of the best of your analogue photography project(s) to 
  • The application period ends on Sunday, March 27th, 2022 at 23:59.
  • Email Subject: TALLINN x First Name Last Name
  • The submitted projects – up to 10 works to one project – should be completed within the last five years.
  • Images should be sent in JPG format and at least 2000 pixels wide.
  • There are no thematic restrictions.
  • Please include a brief description of the analogue technique used and the concept of the work submitted. Textual descriptions do not have to be long. We are curious to know the photographer’s motives and reasons for using analog techniques in today’s digital world.
  • Attach a current CV.
  • Application should be in English.


Additional information about the Exhibition: Annika Haas, Curator of the Museum of Photography (Tallinn),

Additional information about the Open Call: Natalia Kopkina, Executive Director of the Finnish Darkroom Association,





Is photography your passion? Are you interested in film photography and printing in the darkroom? Are you 16–20 years old?


The Finnish Darkroom Association and the Finnish Museum of Photography organise a photography competition for young people in March 2022. Organised for the first time, the Young Photographer Award is part of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival’s program. The competition is open to all photographers aged 16–20 and living in Finland. Participation in the competition happens with a digital portfolio consisting of  ten photographs, which can consist of photographs created using analogue or digital methods.


Aims and awards

The aim of the Young Photographer Award is to inspire young people to expand their photographic expression. The competition grants its finalists the opportunity to develop technical skills and try out different analog photography techniques. The  jury will select three finalists, each of whom will be awarded with film cameras and films provided by our partners. In addition, the finalists will receive an optional course organised by the Finnish Darkroom Association at the Mörk darkroom in Helsinki. One winner will be selected from the three finalists. The winner will be awarded with the Young Photographer Award Certificate. The works of the finalists will be published on the social media channels of the Finnish Museum of Photography and the Finnish Darkroom Association (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok).



The judges of the competition are Elina Heikka, director of the Finnish Museum of Photography, Natalia Kopkina, photographer and artistic director of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival, and photographer Milja Laakso from the Photofuss youth group at the Finnish Museum of Photography. The jury evaluates the portfolios on the basis of the totality. The ten photographs in the portfolio do not have to be from a single series, but the jury hopes the images are qualitatively consistent. The jury encourages applicants to present their works with courage, originality and clear expression of their own views.


Participation in the competition

  • The application period ends on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 23:59.
  • To participate in the competition, send 10 separate image files by e-mail and one text file to 
  • Email Subject: AWARD x Last Name First Name
  • Images should be sent in JPG format as an email attachment. Images must be at least 2000 pixels wide. As the file name of the images, mark your full name Last Name First Name, for example LastName_FirstName_1.jpg, LastName_FirstName_2.jpg, etc.
  • In addition to the images, create one PDF text file with a max.  500-word description of your interest in photography. In the same file, write your contact information, age, and list the image titles, year when photographed and, if necessary, technical information of the images you submitted.
  • The results of the competition will be announced on 15.4. The finalists of the competition will be notified of the result in person.
  • Participation is free.


Copyright and liability

  • Photographs submitted to the competition must be taken by the entrant himself.
  • Entrants must have full rights to the images and their publication, such as permission to use the image from the models in the images for competition purposes.
  • The organisers of the competition and the media have the right to publish the pictures of the finalists on the website, in the press and in the print media in connection with the results of the competition or the advertising of the competition for the coming years. Other uses of the competition photos will be agreed with the author.
  • Copyright of the photographs remains with the photographer.
  • A person under the age of 18 must have the consent of a guardian to participate in the competition.


The partners in the competition are JAS Tekniikka, Suomen Interfoto Oy and Kameratori.


More information and questions related to the competition: 


Symposium for Artistic Research

Welcome to participate in the first Symposium for Artistic Research in Analog Photography in the digital era

Symposium for Artistic Research in Analog Photography is a three-day symposium focusing on analog photography practice. It will be held 4.–6.3.2022 in the Process Space at the Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki. The symposium will present twenty artist-researchers on several interesting topics on analog photography practice from many different countries and universities. Keynote speakers of the symposium are esteemed artist-researchers Ms. Jill Enfield from the United States and Mr. Laurent Millet from France.

Symposium is organized in cooperation with Aalto University. It is part of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival which is organized by the Finnish Darkroom Association and funded by Finnish Cultural Foundation.

The participation at the Finnish Museum of Photography includes five coffees and three lunches, and free access to the exhibitions at the museum during the symposium weekend. Exhibition Impression Remains is the main exhibition of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival.

There are 60 tickets available to the symposium at the place. Unlimited number of tickets is available to the online symposium.

Buy your tickets to the symposium directly from Holvi:

Ticket prices:

Full price at the Museum of Photography 100€
Student price at the Museum of Photography 50€
Online price 20€

Program and more info coming soon:



Workshops Spring 2022

Participate in Helsinki Darkroom Festival workshops!

During the Helsinki Darkroom Festival, a wide range of one-day workshops are organized on different darkroom photography techniques and special fields. Apart from the more traditional gelatin silver printing and film developing, you may participate in the workshops about cameraless photography, portrait photography on film, camera obscura building or designing your own photography book. All the workshops are taught by experienced photography artists.

More information, schedule and registration in Holvi!

NOTE. More courses coming to the online store soon!




Together with CYAN Studio & Darkroom from Oslo and with support from Nordic Culture Fund, the association launches a pilot residency program. The Nordic Analog Network is a pilot project that hopefully will be able to grow into a regular program of artist exchanges between darkrooms in different Nordic countries. For the first ever exchange two artists have been selected for a three week long residency during April, 2022: Silvia De Giorgi from Oslo and Patrick Kuoppamäki from Helsinki. Warm congratulations to both!



On Wednesday 2.2.2022 starting at 4pm (Finnish time), as a part of the Opening Week of the first-ever Helsinki Darkroom Festival, the president of the Finnish Darkroom Association Katri Lassila is hosting two panel discussions with analog organisations and festivals around the world.

In the Analog Festivals Panel, representatives from analogueNOW!, Experimentalphotofestival, Revela’T and Rotlicht Festival come together to discuss the emergence of a number of festivals focused on analog photography in recent years. The panel will take a comparative look at the reasons for organising events and festivals around analog photography while keeping an eye on the future of the recently emerged rhizome of associations in the field.

In the All Things Analog Panel, Katri is joined by representatives from Analog Forever Magazine, CYAN, Kalamari Klub and Street Level Photoworks to discuss all things analog – publishing, exhibiting, running residency programs and of course operating darkrooms. The panel represents a multitude of perspectives, coming together to think about the robust possibilities for all things analog in the future.

The event will take place on Zoom, you will find the link on the festival’s website on the day of the event:



The main exhibition of Helsinki Darkroom Festival, Impression Remains, opens at the Finnish Museum of Photography on Friday 28th of January and continues until 24th of April.

The exhibition celebrates current darkroom art and the creative possibilities of analog photography. The exhibition introduces eleven photographers who have been selected among almost 400 applicants who responded to the festival’s open call.

The exhibition features artwork from the last couple of years and the international artists represent different perspectives and ways of expression. There are images produced with a camera as well as images created using only chemical processes. What is common to all the artwork in this exhibition is that their physical form is an inseparable part of the process of their creation.

The full program of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival can be found on the festival’s website at:


Open Call for Finnish photographers

In connection with the Helsinki Darkroom Festival, the Finnish Darkroom Association and the Association of Photographic Artists are organizing an exhibition of analog photography made by Finnish or Finland-based artists. The exhibition will be held at Hippolyte Korjaamo in March – May 2022.

Have you experimented with analog photography decades ago? Or are you doing something interesting using analog methods right now? Whether you are experienced or young, we encourage you to apply! We are hoping to see technical experiments, new ways of doing things, vintage material from the archives, and a wide range of analog photography in general.

We hope that the exhibition will feature works that have been carried out mainly by analog methods, but digital intermediate stages are not excluded. The purpose of the exhibition is to present the wide and diverse field of analog photography in Finland.



Hippolyte Korjaamo is located in Kulttuurikeskus Korjaamo at Töölönkatu 51 a-b, 00250 Helsinki. The exhibition space is a gallery corridor with two opposite walls for hanging. The exhibition space is best suited for two-dimensional works of art. The space is not supervised.



The application period ends on Monday 10.1.2022 at 23:59. Selections will be made by the end of January.

You may propose 1–3 works for the exhibition, of which a maximum of one could be selected. The selections will be based on the artistic quality of the works, technical abundance of the exhibition, and the keywords material and process.

The selection of works is done collaboratively by Katri Naukkarinen from the Finnish Darkroom Association and Juuso Noronkoski from the Association of Photographic Artists.



Please send your application to according to the following instructions:

Email Subject: MÖRK x VTL x Lastname Firstname

Email Attachment: Attach only one PDF where each suggested work has its own page.  Each page should contain the information specified below. Please do not write any other information about your works in the PDF or in the body of the email.

Each page should contain this information, preferably in this order:

  • Photo of the work
  • Author’s name
  • The name of the work
  • Year
  • From series X (if part of a series)
  • Size (height x width) + framed size (if different)
  • The technique of the work in a nutshell
  • Edition of the work
  • Price (incl. VAT, also indicate the VAT rate 0/10/24%)
  • We are very interested to hear about your methods! Please tell us about the methods you have used in this work.



The selected work is to be delivered to Hippolyte Korjaamo on Tuesday 15.3. between 11–18. It is not possible to mail the work. The organizers of the exhibition are responsible for hanging the works. It is not possible to store the protective materials in the space.

The artists themselves are responsible for dismantling their works from the exhibition, packaging them and transporting them. This is to take place on Monday 16.5. during hours that will be announced later.

The artist is responsible for the production of the works, transport, voluntary exhibition insurance, their own travel expenses and any other costs related to the installation. There is no exhibition fee or application fee.

The Association of Photographic Artists charges a commission of 25% of the VAT-free sales price for the sale of works.



The Finnish Darkroom Association is a non-profit association founded in 2016 with the purpose of ensuring the preservation of analog photography.

The Association of Photographic Artists is a national interest group that works to promote the social status and appreciation of Finnish photographic art and artists in Finland.



Call for Abstracts

Symposium for Artistic Research in Analog Photography

We are delighted to announce an international Call for Abstracts for the “Symposium for Artistic Research in Analog Photography” in Helsinki from 4th to 6th of March 2022. The symposium will take place as part of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival at the Finnish Museum of Photography.

We welcome submissions from artist-researchers with academic affiliations or freelance positions. What matters to us most is a focus on analog photography in its creative and contemporary practice. The symposium is all about artistic and practice-based research. We welcome original thinking, out-of-the-ordinary visions and playfulness.

The submissions are open until the 18th of December, 2021.

Enter here:


Selected artists 2022

Finnish Darkroom Association realises the first Finnish analog photography festival of the digital era in cooperation with Finnish Museum of Photography in January – April 2022. The international festival exhibition will be held at the museum, and artists to it were chosen from almost 400 submissions in the end of September.

The selected artists are: Carol Golemboski, Elodie Grethen, Frank McElhinney, Galina Kurlat, Giorgi Shengelia, Iana Mizguina, Jacob Clayton, Liam Leslie, Marcus Desieno ja Maté Dobokay.

Association congratulates the selected artists and thanks all the artists who submitted their works!


Courses Fall 2021

The association resumes the courses after the pause. In autumn we will be organising three courses: one on film photographing and film developing (16.-17.10.2021), and two gelatin silver printing courses for the beginners (29.-31.10.2021 and 19.-21.11. 2021).

Teacher of the film course is photographic artist and documentarist, board member Jaakko Kilpiäinen and the teacher of the printing courses is photographic artist and association’s president Katri Lassila. The teaching is in Finnish and if necessary also in English.

You may enroll on the courses at




International Open Call for photographers and visual artists to exhibit at The Finnish Museum of Photography as part of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival in 2022.

We are delighted to announce an international Open Call for submissions from artists who use analog processes in the creation of contemporary photographic works. Out of these submissions, a jury will select 10 artists to exhibit at the Finnish Museum of Photography during the Helsinki Darkroom Festival 2022. The purpose of this inclusive, forward-looking festival is to bring together various institutions, researchers and artists working with analog photography.

The festival consists of an exhibition that is both invitational and juried at the newly renovated Finnish Museum of Photography with screenings and events at their centrally located K1 gallery; a symposium about artistic research on analog photography organised together with Aalto University; workshops, professional get-togethers and events open for the public organised in collaboration with Helsinki-based artistic organisations and galleries.

Selected artists will receive

  • Inclusion in an exhibition at the Finnish Museum of Photography during the Helsinki Darkroom Festival from January to April, 2022.
  • An artist’s fee of 500 euros paid by the Finnish Museum of Photography and an expense allowance of up to 1,000 euros paid by The Finnish Darkroom Association.
  • An invitation to join the festival’s Grand Opening as a special guest.

Special requirements

  • Proposed artworks must be produced using analog photographic processes. This includes for example silver gelatin prints, C-prints, daguerreotypes, collodion wet plates, etc. The image production process can have digital stages, but the finished work must rely largely on analog production.
  • Submitted projects must be created recently (projects older than 5 years will not be accepted).
  • If selected for the exhibition, it is the responsibility of the artist to produce, insure, ship round-trip and deliver the selected works ready to hang to the Finnish Museum of Photography by 1st of December, 2021.

How to Enter

  • Read the Terms and Conditions of the Open Call. All submissions are found to be in agreement of the Open Call’s Terms and Conditions.
  • Generate your submission form and pay the 25€ submission fee via



Prices for members

1. SEASONAL FEE: 200€ / 4 months 

The association’s seasonal usage is divided into three 4-month periods. These seasons are as follows:

  • Season 1: January-April, 1.1.–30.4.
  • Season 2: May-August, 1.5.–31.8.
  • Season 3: September-December, 1.9.–31.12.


The fee for one season is 200€. A member who has paid the seasonal fee is entitled to unlimited use of the darkroom. They will receive their own key, storage space, and can borrow the association’s film cameras. Darkroom printing is available 24/7. The key cannot be handed over to others, and the right to use the facilities is personal.

A member starting in the middle of the season pays the full seasonal fee. If a member ends the season prematurely, the seasonal fee will not be refunded. Seasonal members automatically continue to the next season unless they return the darkroom key by the last day of the season (30.4./31.8./31.12.).

To initiate seasonal use, contact the membership coordinator/treasurer at


2. ANNUAL FEE: 500€ / 12 months

If desired, a seasonal member can pay the entire year’s fee (1.1.–31.12.), resulting in a total of 500€. In this case, contact the treasurer to receive the correct invoice.


3. DAILY FEE: 50€ / day

The working period for daily renters (daily fee) starts at 00:00 and ends at 23:59. The darkroom cannot be used for multiple days with a single daily usage fee (e.g., from 15:00 to 14:59 or 8h + 8h + 8h + 8h), but dried photos can be collected from the darkroom for free, and photos printed within the usage time can be pressed without an additional usage fee.

Members who wish to use the darkroom and pay the daily fee should contact in advance to arrange key pickup and return to the darkroom. The key cannot be handed over to others, and the right to use the facilities is personal.

The daily usage fee will be invoiced after the printing session ends. The usage must be reported to the treasurer ( and should also be noted in the association’s Google Calendar and in the logbook on the notice board.


Privacy Policy 

Privacy Policy in Accordance with the Finnish Personal Data Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (523/1999) §10. Updated: May 26, 2020.

Data Controller and Contact Person:

The Finnish Darkroom Association, Treasurer Natalia Kopkina, Nilsiänkatu 11–13F, 00510 Helsinki or email: ( Website:

Purpose of Data Processing:

Maintaining the association’s membership list as required by the law and fulfilling the purposes of the association.

Data Content in the Register:

Member’s first name, last name (if applicable, guardian’s first and last name and contact details), postal address, phone number, email address. Regular sources of information: Data is obtained directly from the members of the association.

Data Disclosure:

Member register information is not disclosed. It is strictly used by the association’s board. Data is not transferred outside the EU or the EEA. Workshop teachers receive contact details of course participants from the Treasurer. Course registrations are collected through HOLVI online store.

Data Protection Principles:

The member register is maintained by the treasurer in a password-protected cloud service. Additionally, hard copies are kept by the treasurer.

Right to Access and Correct Information:

Information is corrected upon the member’s request/notification.

Other Rights Related to the Processing of Personal Data:

Every member has the right to review the data concerning themselves by sending a request to the association’s data controller. Members also have the right to demand correction of inaccurate register data. Member information is deleted from the register when the member resigns or is expelled, provided there are no outstanding debts to the association.


The Finnish Darkroom Association Rules

1 § Association Name, Languages, and Domicile

Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry
Finlands Mörkrumskonstnärer rf
Suoma Sevdnjeslatnjadáiddárat rs

The official languages of the association are Finnish, Swedish, and Northern Sámi. The domicile of the association is Helsinki.


2 § Purpose and Nature of Activities

The purpose of the association is to preserve and develop the traditions of darkroom work and art in Finland. The association supports the artistic activities of its members by providing workspace. To fulfill its purpose, the association engages in photography education and consulting, exhibition, publishing, and publishing activities, art sales, marketing, as well as workspace rental. The association offers its services to non-members as well. The association may own and manage the necessary real estate and movable property for its operations. To support its activities, the association may engage in fundraising and accept donations.


3 § Membership

Any individual who accepts the purpose, principles, and rules of the association can become a member. Membership is approved by the association’s board based on the application. A member can be expelled by the board if they act against the interests or principles of the association, violate the association’s rules, or the workspace regulations. In addition to regular members, the association may have organizational, supporting, and honorary members. The board decides on the membership fee and membership benefits for organizational members. The board also decides on the membership fee for supporting members. The board is responsible for appointing honorary members, and honorary members are not required to pay a membership fee.


4 § Enrollment and Membership Fee

Upon joining the association, an annual membership fee is paid. The annual membership fee to be charged from the members is determined by the board and is based on the calendar year. In special cases, the board may waive the membership fee or darkroom usage fee based on financial hardship. Membership fees or darkroom usage fees are non-refundable.


5 § Member Resignation

If a member wishes to resign from the association, they must notify the board in writing by the end of the calendar year. A member who has submitted a resignation notice is considered to have resigned from the association, unless there is a reason according to the rules preventing the resignation, once the said notice has been submitted to the board. If a member submits their resignation to the association’s board after December 31st, they are obligated to pay their membership fee for the following calendar year as well.


6 § Additional Fee

The association may collect additional fees from its members, the determination of which takes place at the association’s annual general meeting or at an extraordinary meeting. These additional fees can be collected for acquiring working capital, purchasing printing machines and supplies, as well as covering unexpected costs arising from the maintenance of the workspace. The additional fee is the same for all members. Honorary members are exempt from the additional fee.


7 § Fees Charged for the Association’s Services

The board determines the amount of fees charged for the association’s services.


8 § Board

The affairs of the association are managed by the board, which consists of the chairman and 2-8 other regular members elected at the annual general meeting, as well as 0-8 alternate members. The board elects a vice-chairman from among its members and appoints a secretary, treasurer, and other necessary officials either from within or outside the board. The board convenes at the invitation of the chairman or, in his/her absence, the vice-chairman, when they deem it necessary or when at least half of the board members require it. The board is quorate when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present. Decisions are made by an absolute majority vote. In case of a tie, the chairman’s vote decides, except in elections where drawing lots will be used.


9 § Writing the Association’s Name

The association’s name is signed by the chairman of the board, vice-chairman, or treasurer, each individually.


10 § Financial Year

The association’s financial year is the calendar year.


11 § Audit and Operational Review

The association must have at least one auditor or operational reviewer and at least one alternate. The audit or operational review report must be submitted to the board no later than at the annual general meeting.


12 § Time of the Association’s Annual General Meeting

The association’s annual general meeting is held annually on a date determined by the board between January and May. Extraordinary association meetings are held when the board or the members deem it necessary. The decision to offer remote participation in the association’s annual general meeting is made by the association’s board.


13 § Notice Procedure of the Association’s Annual General Meeting

The notice for the association’s meeting is sent to the members in writing at least two (2) weeks before the meeting. Other communications are provided either by mail, email, text message, or through the notice board of the association’s workspace.


14 § Matters to be Discussed at the Association’s Annual General Meeting

The following matters are discussed at the regular association meeting:

  • Presentation of the previous financial year’s activity report
  • Presentation of the financial statements and audit report
  • Decision on the approval of the financial statements
  • Decision on granting discharge from liability to the members of the board
  • Decision on the use of surplus or covering the loss
  • Decision on fees charged from the association’s members
  • Election of necessary members of the board
  • Election of the required number of auditors or operational reviewers and their alternates
  • Discussion of other matters specified in the meeting invitation.


15 § Use of Funds upon the Dissolution or Liquidation of the Association

Upon the dissolution of the association, the assets of the association shall be used to further the purpose of the association in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the dissolution. In the event of the association being liquidated, its assets shall be used for the same purpose.


Rules and Regulations of the Darkroom

1 § Membership


  • Membership in the Finnish Darkroom Association (Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry) is obtained by filling out a membership form, committing to paying the membership fee in the coming years. Members are obligated to follow the Association’s Rules and Regulations.
  • Upon joining the association, a membership fee is paid annually, with the deadline for the yearly fee falling on January 31st.
  • Due to liability concerns, members must be at least 18 years old.
  • If a member wishes to resign from the association, they must notify the association in writing ( by the end of the calendar year (before December 31st). The membership fee is non-refundable.
  • If a member submits their resignation after December 31st, they are obligated to pay the membership fee for the following calendar year.
  • Neglected membership fees and darkroom usage charges will be collected through an external debt collection agency. Despite reminders, a member who fails to pay their dues will be expelled from the association without the opportunity to rejoin.


2 § Practical Matters


  • Membership and the darkroom key are personal and should not be handed over to others. Visitors are not allowed in the darkroom.
  • Individuals who wish to use the darkroom must possess sufficient skills for independent work with the darkroom tools and equipment.
  • Members are listed in the member list and the association’s mailing list. Additionally, members are invited to join the association’s Google Calendar, where they can reserve working time and equipment. In the “MÖRK” calendar, darkroom workspace can be reserved, and in the “LOANS” calendar, cameras and books can be booked (note: for members who have paid the membership fee only).
  • Reservation of darkroom working time is done in the association’s “MÖRK” calendar by providing one’s name, desired space, and enlarger.
  • Reserving the entire space for private use is allowed only under special circumstances and with the permission of the association’s board. Permission can be requested by contacting
  • No deposit is required for the keys, but in case of a lost key, the costs incurred for rekeying the locks and producing new keys for members will be charged.
  • The darkroom is accessible 24/7 (subject to availability), except during workshops and association events when the entire darkroom is reserved for participants.
  • All darkroom space usage must be recorded in the logbook, which can be found on the bright side of the darkroom on the notice board.
  • The darkroom usage fee covers the use of the darkroom space, equipment, and regular black-and-white chemicals, as well as waste management costs. Other materials, such as photo papers and specialty chemicals, are the responsibility of the individual user.
  • Non-members can rent the entire darkroom for one day (350€ in 2024) if the calendar permits, with working hours from 00:00 to 23:59.
  • Association members can rent darkroom space in two ways: by paying the Seasonal Fee or the Daily Fee.


3 § Seasonal Fee


  • The association’s seasonal usage is divided into three 4-month periods: January-April, May-August, September-December.
  • To initiate seasonal use, contact the membership coordinator/treasurer at A member who has paid the seasonal fee will receive their own key, storage space, and can borrow, for example, the association’s film cameras.
  • The key must not be handed over to others; the access right is personal.
  • If the seasonal usage does not continue into the next season, the member must return the darkroom key and remove their materials from the darkroom no later than the last day of the previous season (30.4./31.8./31.12.).
  • If the key is not returned by the deadline, the member is considered to continue the seasonal usage into the next season and is required to pay the seasonal fee.
  • Seasonal members starting mid-season must pay the full seasonal fee. If the season is terminated prematurely, the seasonal fee will not be refunded.
  • Members who have paid the seasonal fee are allocated their own shelf space for storing personal tools and materials. However, the space is limited, so please keep only the materials you genuinely need for your work.


4 § Daily Fee


  • The Daily Fee is invoiced after the printing session is completed.
  • Members who wish to use the darkroom and pay the daily fee should contact in advance and arrange the pickup and return of keys to the darkroom.
  • The key must not be handed over to others; the access right is personal.
  • The working hours for daily renters (one day’s fee) start from 00:00 and end at 23:59. The darkroom usage cannot be extended to multiple days with a single daily fee (e.g., from 15:00 to 14:59 or 8 hours + 8 hours + 8 hours + 8 hours). However, dried prints can be collected from the darkroom for free, and prints made within the usage time frame can be pressed without an additional usage fee.
  • The usage should be marked in the association’s Google Calendar and in the logbook on the notice board. Additionally, the actual usage must be reported to the treasurer (
  • Daily renters can inquire ( about the possibility of storing their own supplies in the space during their work session. Storage decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, and stored items must be promptly removed upon request. Daily renters must take all their belongings out of the darkroom at the end of their work session.
  • A daily renter can switch to become a seasonal user mid-season. However, in this situation, no refunds will be given for previously paid daily fees.
  • If it becomes evident that a member has used the darkroom more than what they have paid for, the member will be expelled from the association without the opportunity to rejoin.


5 § Borrowing Procedures


  • Members who have paid the darkroom’s seasonal fee can borrow the association’s camera equipment and books.
  • When you wish to borrow the association’s cameras, contact the equipment coordinator at
  • Equipment reservations are made in the association’s “LOANS” calendar by stating your name and the desired equipment.
  • Reserved equipment must be picked up within the day of the reservation, or it becomes available for others to borrow.
  • Once you have collected the equipment, please update the reservation as borrowed.
  • The borrowing period can last up to two weeks (14 days). In exceptional situations, you can negotiate with the equipment coordinator, especially when dealing with multiple copies of available equipment, such as 35mm camera bodies. However, please note that the borrowing period cannot exceed one month (30 days).
  • Due to limited equipment availability, each member can borrow only one camera at a time.
  • Also, remember not to borrow a camera you are not proficient in using. If you are uncertain about operating the device, request guidance from the equipment coordinator before borrowing. If you encounter any issues, always reach out to the equipment coordinator first.


6 §  Principles of Cooperation


  • Respect others and honor their space and the association’s property. The darkroom is a shared workspace.
  • Clean up after yourself, clear the tables, return everything to its place, and take out the trash if the bin is full during your usage. The building’s dumpster is located in the inner courtyard, on the Lemuntie side. You can access it via elevator or through the inner courtyard gate.
  • Be mindful when using equipment and chemicals, and adhere to the darkroom’s usage and safety guidelines. Personal chemicals used at home should not be brought to the darkroom for recycling; they must be disposed of at the recycling center.
  • Members can organize open gatherings for other members in the darkroom up to once a month. These gatherings need to be coordinated with the darkroom supervisor, and all members must be informed about the event. If the gathering lasts less than six hours, Daily Fee will not be charged.


7 §  Responsibility and Disturbances


  • The user of the workspace is obligated to compensate for damages caused due to their negligence or lack of knowledge, including damages to the space, machinery, equipment, materials, as well as others’ work and property.
  • The association does not cover the user’s personal or bodily damages. The darkroom user must acquire accident and liability insurances deemed necessary.
  • Smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited on the premises.
  • Alcohol consumption is not allowed in the facilities, except during events organized and approved by the association.
  • If a darkroom user violates the rules or disturbs the peace in the darkroom or elsewhere in the property, the association’s board has the right to impose a ban on their darkroom usage and, if necessary, expel them from the association.
  • If you are unsure about any technical, chemical, or usage-related matter, please contact


Benefits and Terms and Conditions


  • Members can participate in the meetings of the association and influence the activities of the association by joining the Board.
  • Members can participate in the association’s events and exhibitions.
  • Members can rent the Mörk darkroom in two ways: by paying a seasonal fee or a daily fee. By paying the seasonal fee, the member is entitled to unlimited use of the darkroom and can lend the association’s film cameras. Members who have paid the seasonal fee will get their own key to the darkroom.
  • Members receive the basic chemicals for film development and black and white printing from the association.

Terms and conditions:

  • Members join by filling in the membership form.
  • Members commit to following the rules of the association and the darkroom.
  • Each member pays an annual membership fee. The amount of the annual membership fee is decided by the Board. The due date for the membership fee is January 31st. If you join during the year, the membership fee will be paid immediately after joining.
  • If a member wishes to resign from the association, they must notify the Board in writing. The membership fee is not refunded.
  • Both the membership and the key to the darkroom are personal. The darkroom key should not be passed on to others.
  • The Board of the association has the right to dismiss a member who acts against the rules or principles of the association or fails to pay their membership fee or the darkroom usage fee. A dismissed member cannot rejoin the association.

About the space

Mörk is a black and white darkroom built by the Finnish Darkroom Association in 2016, located in The Finnish Artists’ Studio Foundation’s Vallila Studio Centre in Helsinki.

Mörk comprises about 70 square meters and includes, in addition to the darkroom, a lit room with a small kitchen, table spaces and shelves for storage, as well as drying racks for prints, a fume hood and a photo press.

The darkroom has comprehensive equipment for even the most demanding printing needs. The space is air conditioned and lofty. It has six ventilation ducts, three of which are above the processing trays. The darkroom has three large sinks in a waterproof space with a floor drain and a raised floor with flood thresholds. There are two exits from the darkroom: a light lock corridor and an emergency exit.

Two of the enlargers (both up to 4×5 “) are in separate booths where the processing of more demanding  negatives can be done in peace. These light-tight booths are also suitable for loading film. Other enlargers are stored on tables with wheels, making the space adaptable for courses and various events.

Mörk is designed to be an accessible space and is available to members of the association around the clock. Additional synergy is provided by the color printing cooperative Värinä which is located in the same building.

Enlargers, 9 pcs with the equipment:

  • 5 pcs for 35 mm and 6 x 7 cm negatives
  • 3 pcs max. For 4×5″ negatives
  • 8×10″ Durst

Become a member

Join the Finnish Darkroom Association by filling out the membership form. We will send you a confirmation of your membership and the membership fee invoice via email. Before filling out the form and becoming a member, please carefully read the Association's Rules, Darkroom Rules and Regulations, as well as the privacy policy.

Membership is binding, and the annual membership fee is 50€.