1 § Association Name, Languages, and Domicile
Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry
Finlands Mörkrumskonstnärer rf
Suoma Sevdnjeslatnjadáiddárat rs
The official languages of the association are Finnish, Swedish, and Northern Sámi. The domicile of the association is Helsinki.
2 § Purpose and Nature of Activities
The purpose of the association is to preserve and develop the traditions of darkroom work and art in Finland. The association supports the artistic activities of its members by providing workspace. To fulfill its purpose, the association engages in photography education and consulting, exhibition, publishing, and publishing activities, art sales, marketing, as well as workspace rental. The association offers its services to non-members as well. The association may own and manage the necessary real estate and movable property for its operations. To support its activities, the association may engage in fundraising and accept donations.
3 § Membership
Any individual who accepts the purpose, principles, and rules of the association can become a member. Membership is approved by the association’s board based on the application. A member can be expelled by the board if they act against the interests or principles of the association, violate the association’s rules, or the workspace regulations. In addition to regular members, the association may have organizational, supporting, and honorary members. The board decides on the membership fee and membership benefits for organizational members. The board also decides on the membership fee for supporting members. The board is responsible for appointing honorary members, and honorary members are not required to pay a membership fee.
4 § Enrollment and Membership Fee
Upon joining the association, an annual membership fee is paid. The annual membership fee to be charged from the members is determined by the board and is based on the calendar year. In special cases, the board may waive the membership fee or darkroom usage fee based on financial hardship. Membership fees or darkroom usage fees are non-refundable.
5 § Member Resignation
If a member wishes to resign from the association, they must notify the board in writing by the end of the calendar year. A member who has submitted a resignation notice is considered to have resigned from the association, unless there is a reason according to the rules preventing the resignation, once the said notice has been submitted to the board. If a member submits their resignation to the association’s board after December 31st, they are obligated to pay their membership fee for the following calendar year as well.
6 § Additional Fee
The association may collect additional fees from its members, the determination of which takes place at the association’s annual general meeting or at an extraordinary meeting. These additional fees can be collected for acquiring working capital, purchasing printing machines and supplies, as well as covering unexpected costs arising from the maintenance of the workspace. The additional fee is the same for all members. Honorary members are exempt from the additional fee.
7 § Fees Charged for the Association’s Services
The board determines the amount of fees charged for the association’s services.
8 § Board
The affairs of the association are managed by the board, which consists of the chairman and 2-8 other regular members elected at the annual general meeting, as well as 0-8 alternate members. The board elects a vice-chairman from among its members and appoints a secretary, treasurer, and other necessary officials either from within or outside the board. The board convenes at the invitation of the chairman or, in his/her absence, the vice-chairman, when they deem it necessary or when at least half of the board members require it. The board is quorate when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present. Decisions are made by an absolute majority vote. In case of a tie, the chairman’s vote decides, except in elections where drawing lots will be used.
9 § Writing the Association’s Name
The association’s name is signed by the chairman of the board, vice-chairman, or treasurer, each individually.
10 § Financial Year
The association’s financial year is the calendar year.
11 § Audit and Operational Review
The association must have at least one auditor or operational reviewer and at least one alternate. The audit or operational review report must be submitted to the board no later than at the annual general meeting.
12 § Time of the Association’s Annual General Meeting
The association’s annual general meeting is held annually on a date determined by the board between January and May. Extraordinary association meetings are held when the board or the members deem it necessary. The decision to offer remote participation in the association’s annual general meeting is made by the association’s board.
13 § Notice Procedure of the Association’s Annual General Meeting
The notice for the association’s meeting is sent to the members in writing at least two (2) weeks before the meeting. Other communications are provided either by mail, email, text message, or through the notice board of the association’s workspace.
14 § Matters to be Discussed at the Association’s Annual General Meeting
The following matters are discussed at the regular association meeting:
- Presentation of the previous financial year’s activity report
- Presentation of the financial statements and audit report
- Decision on the approval of the financial statements
- Decision on granting discharge from liability to the members of the board
- Decision on the use of surplus or covering the loss
- Decision on fees charged from the association’s members
- Election of necessary members of the board
- Election of the required number of auditors or operational reviewers and their alternates
- Discussion of other matters specified in the meeting invitation.
15 § Use of Funds upon the Dissolution or Liquidation of the Association
Upon the dissolution of the association, the assets of the association shall be used to further the purpose of the association in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the dissolution. In the event of the association being liquidated, its assets shall be used for the same purpose.