Courses Fall 2021

The association resumes the courses after the pause. In autumn we will be organising three courses: one on film photographing and film developing (16.-17.10.2021), and two gelatin silver printing courses for the beginners (29.-31.10.2021 and 19.-21.11. 2021).

Teacher of the film course is photographic artist and documentarist, board member Jaakko Kilpiäinen and the teacher of the printing courses is photographic artist and association’s president Katri Lassila. The teaching is in Finnish and if necessary also in English.

You may enroll on the courses at



International Open Call for photographers and visual artists to exhibit at The Finnish Museum of Photography as part of the Helsinki Darkroom Festival in 2022.

We are delighted to announce an international Open Call for submissions from artists who use analog processes in the creation of contemporary photographic works. Out of these submissions, a jury will select 10 artists to exhibit at the Finnish Museum of Photography during the Helsinki Darkroom Festival 2022. The purpose of this inclusive, forward-looking festival is to bring together various institutions, researchers and artists working with analog photography.

The festival consists of an exhibition that is both invitational and juried at the newly renovated Finnish Museum of Photography with screenings and events at their centrally located K1 gallery; a symposium about artistic research on analog photography organised together with Aalto University; workshops, professional get-togethers and events open for the public organised in collaboration with Helsinki-based artistic organisations and galleries.

Selected artists will receive

  • Inclusion in an exhibition at the Finnish Museum of Photography during the Helsinki Darkroom Festival from January to April, 2022.
  • An artist’s fee of 500 euros paid by the Finnish Museum of Photography and an expense allowance of up to 1,000 euros paid by The Finnish Darkroom Association.
  • An invitation to join the festival’s Grand Opening as a special guest.

Special requirements

  • Proposed artworks must be produced using analog photographic processes. This includes for example silver gelatin prints, C-prints, daguerreotypes, collodion wet plates, etc. The image production process can have digital stages, but the finished work must rely largely on analog production.
  • Submitted projects must be created recently (projects older than 5 years will not be accepted).
  • If selected for the exhibition, it is the responsibility of the artist to produce, insure, ship round-trip and deliver the selected works ready to hang to the Finnish Museum of Photography by 1st of December, 2021.

How to Enter

  • Read the Terms and Conditions of the Open Call. All submissions are found to be in agreement of the Open Call’s Terms and Conditions.
  • Generate your submission form and pay the 25€ submission fee via